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04 December 2007


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Brian F.

You have a small talent for making me want books that Amazon can not immediately provide to me.

How do you do it?


O man, that sounds awesome.


I'm still recovering from reading Anthony McGowan's Hellbent. Which was awesome but, jeez, ick. I'm not ready for anymore Hell books just yet.


I just love her.

And by the way (speaking of books not available at Amazon), guess what book I just got in the mail?

A review copy of Catherine Gilbert Murdock's new book! Eeeeeeee! (It's not about D.J., though the intro letter says that she's working on #3.)

Brian F.

Elizabeth, I, too, loved HELLBENT! Yeah, the gross-outs have made it popular among the pre-teen boys I've recommended it to.


Glad you liked it! This was my nomination to the Cybils (I'm glad I was able to think of something I like that hadn't been nominated in the last few hours nominations were open - somehow that vast amount of time flew past very quickly!)

I believe this is the first of a series, so we can look forward to more of the story.


Wowza, I'm going to have to look into that one.


I've been waiting and waiting for this to be available through my library system! I'm a huge fan of the Oracle books and Snow-walker. It's time to find out how to request that the library purchase something -- maybe I should buy it and donate the thing myself....

By the way, the sequel is Sapphique, published in the last month or so. Not sure if it's available in the US yet.


Incarceron will be available in the US in Spring of 2010! And its sequel not long after.


Yahooo! Just finished this one and loved it :D

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