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17 December 2007


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Brian F.

I picked this one up a couple weeks ago, lured in by the premise and the beauty of the book. I'll move it closer to the top of the pile.


Like I said, it took me a little while to get pulled in, and there isn't much in the way of character development. Also, there's a detail towards the end that seems to contradict something in the Author's Note at the beginning. But the short stories, the secrets the different characters tell, were well done. Those, and the promise of more, were what really kept me reading. (That and the gruesome history. I love that stuff.)


I think this try.


This is such a great book, but in order to understand, you must read the entire book... and when i say entire, I really mean entire. Read both author's notes, the extra info at the end, every thing. I really enjoyed this book, and i would recommend it to anyone. I even let two of my teachers borrow the book. In fact, i am doing a book report for the New York Times, and I am using this book for the book report.

gabby winkerbottom

what r books by fe higgins


I've read this book and I think it's great. It's really intriguing and has a good conclusive ending. I would recommend this to all ages.

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