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30 January 2008


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Brian F.

If you had your choice, what would you have the patrons call you? Pookie? Lumpkins? Bubeleh?

Now be honest with me: how much of this book is thinly disguised romance novel? I only ask because of what I perceive to be the vaguely historical bodice-ripper cover (sadly sans shirtless hunk). Because you've made this sound very interesting (I've always been fascinated by the Rumpy story and its variations) and I don't want to pick it up and find heaving breasts or, Buddha help me, ferrets.

Kelly Fineman

I got a copy of the ARC in the mail on Monday. And I'm starting it today.

And the real book is even cooler, although the library patrons won't know it, because of the nifty gold letters on the book itself under what I think is a very pretty historical novel (not bodice-ripper) cover.

Sarah Miller

I loved it, too; it's already one of my favorites for the year. I think we should start an elite fan club -- the privileged few who read it first and got to feel smug until March. Muah-ha-ha-ha!

Brian F: Fear not -- CURSE is definitely no bodice-ripper.


I actually don't mind being called dear, as long as the patron isn't being, er, patronizing.

Never fear, Brian, it's totally not a romance novel. I swear. Really, you think it looks romance-novelly? I've got to join the nuh-uh side on that one.

Definitely read it -- I REALLY want to hear what you think!

Elizabeth Bunce

Thank you! I'm delighted you enjoyed it!

But... PERILOUS GARD? *Gasp!* I think that might be the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me.



I've always been rather attached to the Rumplestiltzken story, ever since I read that book of Vivian Vande Velde's- The Rumplestiltzken Problem. It was hilarious, but I wished the retellings had been more developed.


You are a terrible tease. Now I have to go add something else to my already overflowing shopping list at Amazon.
And the patrons call me "dear" or "honey". Both of which make me kind of nuts.


This is one of my favorite fairy tale retellings. :)


I loved the Perilous Gard. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for this.


Leila- as a DAL, and GDAL (daughter/grandaughter of a librarian) I've spent most of my free time in libraries- often asked by kindly octagenerians and others what their next read should be. Recently a lady asked me and I replied she should try Wicked and she just gave me this look like, why are you telling me to a read a book on a zombie cult (something like that...) and wouldn't listen when I tried explaining it was a rework of Oz... too funny...


I'm going to read this one for the 2k8 challenge that teenbookreview.wordpress.com is hosting. I love the cover! :)

Sheila Ruth

Oh, goody! I recently got a copy of this in the mail and found the cover very compelling. I'm glad to know that the book lives up to the cover. This sounds like one that I'm really going to like.

Lalit Mohan Pathak

hi want to buy the book A CURSE DARK AS GOLD. Please suggest me how can i buy it online (website name). Also please tell me its cost.

Michelle DeVore

Just finished this book for my literature for adolescents class and loved it. Completely different retelling of Rumpelstiltskin but fantastic! I recommend this for anyone that enjoys a good retell. It is hard to find a good young adult novel not littered in teen romance and this one's definitely it.

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