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11 January 2008


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Kelly Fineman

I have the black cover, too, but it was also offered in pink. I remember thinking that was wild at the time. My kids and I all loved this book for the VOICE.


This was a laugh-out-loud-to-tears book, so fluffyheaded and just plain FUN that I really wanted it to come in higher in the Cybils category, but alas, we had so many strong contenders and humor just doesn't often get it. Yes, the mystery is completely negligible, but the voice is a scream.


Loved it, loved it, loved it.


I just finished reading this book (New Year's Day!) and loved it to pieces. I laughed so hard through the whole thing (the footnotes! the hearts! the haikus!) and was thrilled to find out about the second one. I'll be pushing this on the teens at my library.

By the way - I just recently started following your blog and it has quickly become one of my favorites. Awesome job!

Little Willow

Glad that you liked it! After I read it, I lent my copy to a co-worker, then a customer, then another customer, and we all had some fun discussions about it. One liked the location (Vegas = fun to her) and everyone liked the footnotes.


I absolutely LOVED this book!!! Best book ever, some (including me) might say. Can't wait to get the sequel!!!!!!! <3

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