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16 January 2008


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The Luxe was my favorite book of the year! Total fluff and I loved every word of it! And how bout that cover?!?


Three sharp screams -- for three excellent sequels! The Derek Landry, KITTY KITTY!!!!! and the next Melissa Marr! ooooh, so there!!!!

And if you hear a date for the sequel to Skin Hunger, I want to see a flare go up from Maine, ya hear?

I totally forgive you for not mentioning my book. I'm still in the stupid mumbling stage of ohyeahI'mawriter *shuffle, blush* and I should get over myself already.


Sovay sounds so good!


From what I've heard, Octavian Nothing, Part Two and Paper Towns are going to (hopefully) by released September 2008.


P.S. This is my first time commenting here, though I've been lurking for about a year, and I just thought I'd say, I love this site! Tis awesome.


Eeeek! Thanks for the fab news, Marie!


They better be releasing Octavian II - I just got my THIRD copy of the first book in paperback for review - after receiving and ARC and finished copy of the hardback when it came out. So they must be trying to build momentum or something for the release of the second book - right? I mean they wouldn't be trying to bury me alive in these books or anything would they????

What a way to go.........


Can I just say that Octavian Nothing is SUCH a great YA drug? I gave it to our cataloguer, who has, oh... let's say, different... tastes from me* -- and she LOVED it.

*We've only agreed on, maybe, three books.

Little Willow

So many pretty things.

Elizabeth Bunce

Thanks for mentioning CURSE! Freaking out? That's good, right? :D


Totally a good thing. Looking forward to it!


_Sovay_ sounds like it's based on an old folk song... I kinda hope they change the story, which is incredibly irritating.


Ooh - thanks for the mention of the new Melissa Marr! You were the first person I saw raving about Wicked Lovely, which was wonderful.

If you don't love Forever Rose I'll be well surprised.

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