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07 January 2008


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I'm with you on the YA finalists: read three, one more on my shelf. And yes, Laika WILL destroy you. Tread carefully. Try not to read it with, oh I don't know, YOUR DOG ON YOUR LAP, as I did.

Kelly Fineman

I've read 3 YA, 0 NFPB, 4 Graphix, and 2 NF. Not bad, but not great.

Robot Dreams made me mildly misty, but it's not devastating, which is what I presume Laika is, and why I've not yet read Laika.

Today's a bit of a crowing day for me - I nominated Tips of Having a Gay (ex)Boyfriend, Tracking Trash and Robot Dreams - 3 finalists on 4 lists. My nominees for PB and Fantasy/Sci-fi were busts, but my nominees for Poetry and Middle Grade made the cut.


Laika IS devastating. And I'm not even a dog person. But it's so so good.

I've read 4 of the YA...guess I'll have to pick up the other 3.


Laika killed me - but it's brilliant. What's interesting about response to that book though is that the comic blogs and reviewers thought it was okay but aren't all that excited about it compared to the YA blogs and reviewers. I read it coming from both worlds and I don't know how you couldn't be touched by it - unless the comics folks are just more cynical (which I think is true) and thus didn't want to be moved by the sad story of a dog.

Beyond all the emotion though, you have to be impressed by the sheer amount of research Nick did for this book - it's amazing.


As the person who nominated Billie Standish, I am delighted to see that it made the finals. I'm three out of seven for the list as a whole, with the probability of reading at least two of the others.

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