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07 January 2008


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Barrie Summy

Great timing on this review for me. The first book is NEXT on my TBR pile! Thanks. Fun blog!


I can not wait to read this book! Unfortunately I have no idea when it is going to be out here! Eventually I am sure!

I do agree with you though. In both of the first two books I thought the writing of the scenes outside of the realm was much stronger than that inside the realms


I read the first book and really enjoyed it. The way you've responded to her books is the way I responded to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Collection, so I know I must read the next two books of Libba Bray's.


well this time i actually agree with you. Love these books. Addicted. I am so sad they are finished, I will definitely be watching Libba Bray for furhter writing, because she is amazing.

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