Ink Exchange is set in the same world, in the same city, as Wicked Lovely. Those who have read the first book will recognize characters, but this is not a sequel to Aislinn, Seth and Keenan's story. They are a part of it, but they are not the focus. This companion novel belongs to Leslie, a school friend of Aislinn's, to Irial, the King of the Dark Court, and to Niall, who has been part of the Summer Court for centuries.
Leslie has always wanted a tattoo, but due to a horrific violation in her recent past, her want has become need. A need to reclaim her body, to make it her own again. None of the designs displayed in the front room of Pins and Needles call to her, though. When she looks though the artist's private books, everything changes. When she sees it -- eyes, wings, knotwork and chaos star -- she knows that it's the one, regardless of the artist's warning that the tattoo will "change things".
Leslie is unaware of Aislinn's involvement in the faery world -- she's unaware of the faery world altogether. Not for long:
The past few days it seemed like people were behaving oddly--or perhaps she was just starting to pay attention to the world again. Perhaps it was a waking up from the depression she'd been fighting. She wanted to believe that, but she suspected she was lying to herself: the world around her had become off-kilter, and she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know why.
Like Wicked Lovely, the story follows multiple characters -- I focused on Leslie during my synopsis, but it would have been just as easy to focus on Irial, who, after the political upheaval in the first book, is looking for a way to keep his Dark faeries safe and contented without starting a war or on Niall, who is still trying to deal with his very dark past.
I liked it. I wasn't as captured by it as I was by Wicked Lovely, in part because I never connected with Leslie. While I don't consider that a flaw -- Leslie is so damaged that she'd hold herself back from herself, let alone anyone else -- it still made it difficult for me to care about her like I cared about Aislinn. I felt for her, but that's not the same as connecting. I also found it almost impossible to get close to Irial -- but again, for reasons that work within story line and character personality.
Wicked Lovely was dark, but Ink Exchange is much, much more so. Leslie's past (and her future), Irial's present and Niall's past are part of that, of course. The fact that the story centers around the Dark Court, whose culture and needs are very different than those of the Summer Court, is also part of the difference. But pared down, faeries aside, it's a story about addiction, about choice, about betrayal and sacrifice. I'll be interested to see what other Wicked Lovely fans think.
Is it less of a romance than Wicked Loveley (or not a romance at at all?) That would be a bummer because she rocked the YA romance.
That cover is gorgeous.
Posted by: Elizabeth | 04 February 2008 at 09:16 AM
I love the cover, too.
It's less of a romance. There is a romance, but it's very, very, very different. It's a triangle, like in Wicked Lovely, but the motivations and concerns involved make it all much darker and ugly and... not romantic.
There are a few moments with my darling Seth, though, and one particularly nice/heartbreaking bit about him. Le sigh.
Posted by: Leila | 04 February 2008 at 09:22 AM
Funny. I just finished it and I thought it was better than Wicked Lovely. Darker, certainly, but better. I think she's really matured as a writer, and I loved the whole "yin-yang darkness-light" theme going on. You're right that Leslie is hard to relate to, because of her issues, but I really connected with Irial and Niall and I had a soft spot for Gabriel. And I thought it was cool that Seth didn't come across as hot as he did in Wicked Lovely, because of course Leslie wouldn't see him that way.
I am pretty irked that the back cover of the ARC says "ages 12 and up" and I think that's wrong. I'm the parent of a 12-year-old, and I don't think that this is an appropriate book for most 12-year-olds. I would put it more like 14 and up.
Posted by: Sheila Ruth | 05 February 2008 at 11:07 PM
I'd say it's more of a 14-up as well. And you're totally right about Leslie's view of Seth and about Gabriel -- I loved it when he, Mr. Super Tough, was terrified about dealing with his daughter. (But that he was also all paternal and didn't want her in the same orgy room (or whatever was going on there -- I assumed mega-sex and mega-violence) as him.) While I didn't connect with Irial and Leslie, I did feel like I understood them, and that's major, especially considering I didn't connect with them.
I will be interested to see what teen fans of WL think, especially if they pick it up expecting another swoon-fest. That's what I really wanted to make clear in my write-up -- that it's well done, but extremely different.
Posted by: Leila | 06 February 2008 at 06:40 AM
Yes, it is very different and I agree, I'm interested to see what the teen fans think. The thing I really liked about Irial is the reluctant dark lord thing. That he has the darkness in him, and it's part of who he is, but he also has this deep, caring side. And if he didn't have both, he wouldn't be as good a king for the Dark Court. I thought that was really interesting.
Posted by: Sheila Ruth | 06 February 2008 at 11:22 AM
I'm excited!
I didn't like the "swoon" fest in WL cause it was boring and not very well written, imo. But this sounds very good plus that cover is positively gorgeoussss.
: D
Posted by: Kit-Kats are yum | 07 February 2008 at 10:59 PM
Hope you like it, Kit-Kat. It is a nice cover, isn't it?
Sheila, yeah. If Irial wasn't a good king, he wouldn't have done what he did at the end (or waited for the right time to do it). Sorry that's vague! Just trying to avoid major spoilers, but as you've read it, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Posted by: Leila | 08 February 2008 at 08:21 AM
I enjoyed both stories. I completely agree that they are different and that Ink Exchange is much darker and definately not appropriate for a 12 year old. However, I do think there is some romantic tension that will satisfy the readers who enjoyed that part of the story in WL. Naill's desire for Leslie is very deep and I think it comes across very well. Thanks for writing your review.
Posted by: Karin | 08 February 2008 at 04:39 PM
I really liked Wicked Lovely and can't wait to start this one. Your it's a romance but not a romance comment makes it sound really interesting. :-)
Posted by: Em | 27 February 2008 at 07:30 PM
I really liked this book. My friends thought it was depressing but I loved the dark and light thing. How she had to choose and decided not to choose either. It was great. I want her to write another one. :3 About the other friend they have. Oh, and I want a picture of that tatoo, does anyone know where I can get one?
Posted by: Alissa | 21 June 2008 at 05:46 PM
I really liked Wicked Lovely better. I liked Seth the best and he's to different. :( I just liked the romance!
Posted by: Jessica | 28 April 2009 at 04:26 PM
I felt the same way as you when it came to connecting with the characters. Thanks for the great review, I posted a link to it on my blog.
Posted by: Trin | 03 May 2009 at 04:04 AM
We need a lot more inisghts like this!
Posted by: Nancy | 14 April 2012 at 11:17 PM