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20 February 2008


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OK I have just bought a copy off of ebay and I am going to give it a go. I wouldn't usually read a book like this so its a good way for me to try it out.


It's not my usual, either, so it'll be a good experiment for both of us!


I read I, Claudius a year or two ago and, aside from some complaints about Graves's cramped prose, loved it. Intrigue! Violence! Poisonings! You're gonna have fun!


A reviewer at Amazon promises I will be "disgustingly intrigued by it." Sweet!


I'm in! Well, probably not for the last half as I'll be on holidays (unless I sneak away from my friends and find an internet cafe). I'm looking forward to this as I can't imagine I would ever have picked it up on my own.


I'm in too! I wouldn't have thought to read this, but I'm looking forward to trying something new.


I love this book! Would it be cheating to participate if we've already read it? Cause it's been a year or two and I'd love to join in the fun.


Oooh, sign me up!


going for a bit of the ultraviolence, roman style, eh? (or, "et tu"?) talk about highbrow trash -- sex and drugs and rock and roll. great stuff.


Wheeee! Erin, there are no rules! You should definitely join in!

Erin A.

I'm new to this gig -- "I, Claudius" has been on my list of reads for ages. Thanks for getting me to finally do it!


I'm in! I'm in!


I'm late to start, but I'll catch up quickly. Count me in?

Part of why I'm doing this is because I do like your writing, but I had to skip all those Big Read posts because I didn't get the chance to read Rebecca.

I don't really have the time now either, but I want to give it a try...


Of course you're counted in!

If you post about it along the way, just let me know and I'll link up!

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