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25 March 2008


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It feels oddly good to know that I'm not the only one who, when reading the surreal ball sequence from Into the Wild, somehow expected a be-glittered David Bowie to come waltzing in at any moment. Nice.

Maw Books

I've never heard of these books before. They sound great, I may have to add them to my never ending TBR list. Especially as you did a jig!


Definitely do, at least the first one for sure! (I can't vouch for the second one yet.)

The jig was inspired in part by Charles de Lint, I'm sure -- I've been reading a lot of his stuff lately.


I'm a little embarrassed to admit in such company that when I heard Sarah Beth Durst read from Into the Wild at WFC 2006, I wasn't too impressed. So I've avoided it even though I love retold and fractured fairy tales more than chocolate. The long (and growing) list of YA bloggers who love this novel may just change my mind.


I finally got done reading this one and, although I felt it was somewhat contrived and stilted to begin with, by about halfway through I was completely hooked. I ended up staying awake way too late one night so I could finish the book. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel, as is my 12-year-old who gobbled up "Into the Wild" as soon as I passed it on to her.

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