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14 April 2008


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Harriet the Spy. She is intrepid, poking her nose into places I couldn't even imagine (seeing as how she is from Manhattan and I was from southeast Missouri, although living on Oahu the summer I discovered her).


I thought of Anastasia first thing too. And I still don't think of it as a series, even though I have all the books, because I read the first one before the second was published, and each one involved a sort of perfect joy when I discovered it on the shelf.


I was thinking of Harriet the Spy as well, but the light bulb in my head became extra bright when I remembered that I read this in 5th grade and gave a great book talk about Harriet in front of the class. I got a laugh from my classmates!I was in heaven! I remember it vividly! And now, here I am, a children's librarian going out to the schools and giving book talks and if the kids laugh at my presentations and come in to get the books that very same day, it's a good day. I didn't start out wanting to be a children's librarian, I just kind of fell into it "by accident"- or was it????

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