And the winner is... Phillip Reeve, for Here Lies Arthur.
Those of us in the States who've been wanting to read it for ages and ages and ages* will have to wait until November. Because that's when it's coming out. Unless, of course, you break down and order a copy from the UK.
At this point, I'm seriously considering it. I hate waiting**.
*What do you mean, bitter? I'm not bitter, I SWEAR.
**And I've been waiting forever. Of course, instead of complaining on and on, I could do something productive -- sit down and finally start reading that other Arthur book I've been meaning to get to...
The Book Depository ( has it for 5.03GBP and 9.60GBP. They have free shipping and deliver really quickly. I've ordered from them several times when I couldn't wait for a US publication date and they've always been excellent.
Posted by: Jennie | 28 June 2008 at 01:31 PM