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23 June 2008


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I'm so glad you loved this book too. Last year I got to attend the Newbery etc. awards announcement (total thrill), and right after that I read The Green Glass Sea. I was so grateful I hadn't read it in advance, because then I would have been horribly disappointed when the awards were announced. (I would have assumed it was a sure thing, little do I know.)

Sharon Terry

I read The Green Glass Sea to prepare for a vacation to New Mexico. When I stopped in a bookstore (of course!) in Los Alamos, I was so disappointed to learn that I would be missing an author signing with Ellen Klages by ONE day. The book really is an undiscovered gem.


I loved it, too. When I heard someone mention a trip to Los Alamos the other day, all I could think about was Green Glass Sea and I was jealous!

Sarah Rettger

Glad to see this book has another fan! (And let's not talk about how jealous I am that you're reading the sequel - I think I'm going to have to drop a note to my Penguin rep soon...)

Dulce Barahona

Oh I loved this book!!! and still do! i completely cried in parts of it too. (though thats not really so amazing i cry over a lot of things in books...)
I can't believe you've gotten your hands on the sequel!!!! I simply cannot wait!!!!! is it good so far??? I need details!!!


I just read this in one sitting. SO GOOD. I grew up in New Mexico, and all the descriptions were perfect. And now I really want to go see Trinity.

new jordans

A friend is, as it were, a second self.

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