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11 June 2008


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You're annoying. Can I borrow it today?? :D


Ooh, I have to read this just because she's got my name. I almost never see it spelled that way, so anytime I do, I assume it's talking about me. Made reading your review very weird.


Sookie Stackhouse is the only telepath I've ever read about but this sounds really good!


October? Darn.

Sound similar to Melissa in the Midnighters trilogy.


Read it, love it, want it. Thanks for lending it, it was absolutely wonderful!


This is a great book. Its confusing. Whats actually going on and the vibes she gets don't always match up. I haven't finished it though so i don't know how it ends. I don't know how I got it though. I bought it today at the street book fair in Hyde Park. Its not suppose to come out til October. Guess it was just luck.


I haven't read the book, just an exerpt, but it looks awesome.


I have no idea what the plot is though? What issues does Kristi have -- aside from being psychic and having abnormally large breasts?


weell; i readd it. okayy book; but honestlyy, i think the book just leavess youu hangingg theree w||O a particularr endingg. other than thatt thoughh, okayy boook, i guess ?


Im doing a book report on this book right now!!
Its very unpredictable, and I love it!! <3


this book SUCKS!!!! i didnt even want to go past the first few chapters because all she spoke about was her "ginormous boobs" i wouldnt recomend it.

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