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12 August 2008


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This was awesome.


Okay, haven't read the books and don't plan on seeing the movie...but this spoof was hilarious. Kudos to those kids :)

Shooting Stars

I posted this on my blog today as well. I find it really hilarious and they did an amazing job with it! Have you seen their spoof of The Dark Knight trailer? Great GREAT work. I love the guy who did the Joker's voice...very nice. :)



You're welcome! I felt the need to share the utter glee that that inspired in me. And maybe make someone else choke on a gummi bear.

Gail Gauthier

I laughed so hard watching this that someone in the next room complained.


That was absolutely hilarious--thank you, thank you for sharing it!


I haven't read the books (or plan to see the movie either) but that made my morning. I'm off to watch the Dark Knight spoof now...


OK, this was hilarious. Thank you for posting it.


OH GOD! Seriously the funniest thing I've ever seen. I am the biggest Twilight fan EVER, so I shouldn't be laughing, but I can't help it!


Thanks for sharing this, it is awesome. Love the Snickers bar.


Oh gosh, that is PRICELESS! More interesting than the actual trailer. :P


"You brought a snack" referring to the Hershey's bar - LMAO!! Fantastic work.

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