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30 September 2008


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Also 9/13 (I missed Tango, Black Beauty, Brave New World [I even read it!] and the last poetry one.


I missed the Jack London one, Brave New World, Animal Farm (oops) and the Cormier which DARN IT, I had right at first but then when back and changed it. Grrrr.


I shamefully got a 7/13--but it was worth it for the commentary that came with my score: "Rather ignorant, I’m afraid. You’re clearly reading in slavish obedience to the censors. Are you going to be voting for Sarah Palin?"


I got that Palin comment too--the sting of it still smarts!

Kelly Fineman

ACK! I got only 7/13. And this smart-ass comment:

"Rather ignorant, I’m afraid. You’re clearly reading in slavish obedience to the censors. Are you going to be voting for Sarah Palin?"

At least I know the correct answer to that last question!

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