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05 September 2008


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Jessica Walter aka Lucille Bluth might just be my favorite person ever. I didn't see the new 90210, but now I'll search it out just because of her.
Also, I agree with the cameo thing. She'd be AMAZING on 'Pushing Daisies.' And maybe she can be the ultimate answer to all the questions on 'LOST.'

Brian F.

I have no interest in 90210 but I LOVE the idea of Lucille Bluth making cross-network cameos on other shows! I want to see Lucille in a Marvin Candle video on LOST. I want to see Lucille dress down the contestants on PROJECT RUNWAY. I want to see Lucille unzip her face and reveal that the Bluth Corporation is part of an alien plot to subdue Earth via poorly designed houses and only the Doctor can save us.

Lady S

I wasn't gonna do it. I thought I might and then I missed the premiere, but then, last night...rebroadcast. So we (my husband and I) watched the whole 2 hours. And we may, in fact, watch it more. I liked the adults more than the kids, but it wasn't too bad. I think all the kids look too much alike.

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