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04 September 2008


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Sarah Miller

I'm hoping the publication of the Disney/Scieszka Alice book means Disney is creating an ongoing series featuring Mary Blair's concept art. A couple years back Cynthia Rylant did a retelling of Cinderella for a similar Disney release with Blair's artwork. NIce that they go to the trouble of getting such great authors instead of corralling some unfortunate joe from the marketing department.


I actually have an ARC of the Disney/Scieszka Alice book. It's purty (though I haven't read the text yet...should get on it!)


I get chills and clenching fingers of impotent rage when I read articles like the poem banning and removal of books. Knowledge is the most powerful tool there is -- educating the young lets them understand the world rather than facing it in superstitious self-righteous bigotry...like their parents are. It makes me think back on the uproar around the movies 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Natural Born Killers', the claims that serial murder and heroin use were being glamorized and would convince the young to shoot up and, well, shoot up. One had to wonder if said critics had seen the movies in question -- presented in a garish comic-book style, they none-the-less showed the squalor and tragedy of the two lifestyles. That's like saying that 'Trainspotting' glamorizes heroin use. Which they probably do.

Sorry to rant. It just drives me crazy when people think that their children need to be bubble-wrapped before facing the world. They make the Cookie Monster ensure children that cookies are a 'sometimes treat' and parents get irate over original versions of fairy tales. The inevitable result of which, in my mind, is that once this sheltered generation steps out into the real world, the psychiatric community will have to deal with a sudden influx of young adult mental breakdowns as the realization that the world isn't all sunshine, puppy dogs and vague references to hand-holding sinks in. Stupid people.


Is it weird that Party Girl is what made me want to become a librarian?

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