From the Guardian:
Douglas Adams's increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy is to be extended to six titles, after Adams's widow Jane Belson sanctioned a project which will see children's author Eoin Colfer taking up the story.
Okay, so on the one hand: I hated Artemis Fowl and I generally don't like it when people continue the work of much-beloved-but-sadly-deceased authors (see Anne of Green Gables, Harriet the Spy, John Bellairs, etc.).
But on the OTHER hand: Douglas Adams wanted another book in the series, I was totally devastated by the end of Mostly Harmless (I was also, like, twelve), that new-ish Eoin Colfer book does sound pretty awesome so I've been meaning to give him another chance anyway, and Eoin Colfer is so popular that this book will introduce the work Douglas Adams to a whole ton of teens. Also, he seems very humbled by the idea.
And then there are the things that end up on both hands, like the fact that he's not trying to emulate Douglas Adams. So, on the one hand, what's the point? But on the other, I could see that as a good thing, too.
It is way too early in the morning for me to be dealing with something this large. I might have to go back to bed.
Did you read "Airman"? That's Colfer's saving grace, to my mind. Artemis I can live without. Airman I adore.
Posted by: Fuse #8 | 18 September 2008 at 08:49 AM
Regardless of my feelings for ARTEMIS FOWL, I just don't WANT anyone but Adams continuing the series. I'm with you on not being a fan of continuing the properties of dead authors. It vaguely feels like graverobbing.
I kept thinking, "Why was Colfer chosen?" I wonder if the chance to continue HITCHHIKER'S was offered to others (Gaiman perhaps?) and they chose not to desecrate Adams's legacy.
I don't think I'll be partaking in the new adventure. I've got books and audios of the radio series to keep me happy.
Posted by: Brian F. | 18 September 2008 at 09:12 AM
Fuse, I haven't read Airman, but that's the new-ish one I would like to read. Dang. I meant to link to it in my post.
Brian, I wondered the SAME EXACT THING about Gaiman. WE ARE TWINS.
Posted by: Leila | 18 September 2008 at 09:30 AM
I tried my best to like Airman (mostly due to Fuse's review actually) and I did love the story and the steam-punky world, but the prose. Dear god, the prose.
Posted by: cc | 18 September 2008 at 10:46 AM
I genuinely don't know how to feel about this news. I haven't read anything by Fowler (mostly because I'm still stuck in a massive do I really want to read the last HP book dilemma and feel unable to move onto any other whimsical YA magic series until I resolve it) and yes Mostly Harmless does end in a sad, sad way but I kind of felt it added extra depth and evilness to Adams work. It sort of made me respect him even more than when Marv died.
Posted by: | 18 September 2008 at 06:53 PM
I thought Airman sounded good and am going to give Colfer a second try with it, too--just want to say that it's good to hear someone else didn't like *Artemis Fowl*! I'm not sure what Colfer will bring to Adams, as *AF* seemed like plain ol' bad writing to me--
Posted by: Emily Lloyd | 19 September 2008 at 06:29 PM
I read two Artemis books mainly to be able to talk about them with my neighbor and didn't like them. But Airman was FUN... I bought myself a copy to keep. I look forward to seeing how you feel about it.
Posted by: Michelle | 22 September 2008 at 06:26 PM