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03 September 2008


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Levi Stahl

I'm glad you're enjoying Dickens's imagery so much. What I love about his descriptive prose is how it invests nearly everything with life, as if all the crowded stuff of the world, from natural to manmade, had its own inscrutable agendas and ideas. It gives the world he presents a richness found in few other writers. (Robert Alter writes extremely well on that very aspect of Dickens's imagery (specifically in the bravura opening of Bleak House) in the first essay in his Imagined Cities.)

If you're enjoying A Tale of Two Cities this much, you'll love so many other Dickens novels!


I listened to the Librivox recording this past spring, mostly on my lunch breaks. Several of those breaks I spend walking, on a muddy dirt road, so that's what's coming to mind now, especially with the coach scene.


All will be revealed! I'm assuming. Eventually. Now I'm thinking back, the first chapters -- the first time I read this, when I was much younger -- completely lost me. It really is good to re-read this, and I'm finding that I, too like Dicken's style of storytelling. Phew. I was a little worried I'd suddenly not like him anymore.


I'm reading too. I realized I focused more on France in the first chapter, and you I see, on England. I guess because I recently saw Marie Antoinette.

Thanks for the ghost info!

The book's also available at www.dailylit.com. I'm including links to the chapters in my posts.

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