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07 November 2008


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Susan from BookWrites

I'm with you on that. Life is way too short. The latest book I didn't cast aside but should have was Living Dead Girl. Saw your review on that. Couldn't agree more. In fact, I was quite thankful to see your review, for I kept seeing reviews about how wonderful the book is. Ugh.

Susan from BookWrites

Oops. I think I might've been confused about where to post. Sorry. I was referencing a book review written by the author of Bookshelves of Doom, and I'm not sure that I accomplished that. Does that make sense?


Well, you succeeded in posting at BoD, but you've responded to a quote by Reginald Hill! (He seems to be better at putting books aside than me! I still usually have a hard time putting 'em down, even if I dislike them with a fiery passion.)


In the last year or so, I've discovered that I don't necessarily have to finish every book I pick up. It's so liberating! Although I know sometimes I'll nod and say "Oh, yeah, right," when people mention 'Moby Dick' or 'Ulysses.'

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