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13 November 2008


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Best. Heyer. Ever. Great review, Leila.


Ha ha. I love the image of Rupert as Hugh Laurie's Bertie Wooster.


O I'm so going to have to read this one. I read These Old Shades earlier this year and it was my first Heyer book. Great review!

Maureen E

I love this one to no end. I need to read These Old Shades, but it isn't available through the quick and easy ILL system at my college. Winter break?

Jen Robinson

I do love these books. Thanks for the reminder about this one. I had the incredible boon one day about 5 years ago to find a whole shelf of old Heyer paperbacks. The store had just bought them from an estate sale, and I scooped them right up. This one is quite fun.

This is one of my favorites, too! I bought a copy a few years ago because I knew I would reread!


I had no idea this was a trilogy. What is the next book called?

Ney Ney

My favorite of all of Heyer's novels (and that's saying something) Oh how I wish that Hollywood would grow and imagination and make movies of this book and These Old Shades. Do those people ever read?

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