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21 November 2008


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Okay, y'all, I could have done without that skin thing. I'm twitching.

Agreed: YA IS hard to box, and getting harder every day. We're all over the board not only with what interests young adults, but who's in that category.

Melissa Walker

AS King is utterly delightful. Can't wait to read DUST!


Great interview. I can't wait to read the book it sounds really interesting.

Little Willow

Fun interview - Full of fun facts to know and tell!

Andrew Karre

Well said, Amy.

Lisa McMann

Awesome interview, BoD and Amy!

Jon Clinch

Props to Utz. Since we find ourselves living in Vermont now, we have to import their Special Dark pretzels by the caseload.


The fact Amy is pretty much made of awesome shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. :)

I love this discussion your book is inspiring, Amy - the YA category and all that. You keep producing thought-provoking works, please :) Oh and also? That random fact makes me think of you cutting chicken's heads. And that's just creeping me out.



Okay, three of the four books that Amy is currently reading are also top of my pile of to-read books. And we share the books that made an impression on us as teens. If instead of Maine, she comes by Virginia, she should probably look me up.


<3 OK Go


The YA line is definitely blurring. Awesome interview!

Alan Gratz

The Dust of 100 Dogs sounds absolutely fabulous, and I've added it to my Amazon wish list for future purchase. A question though: is this a paperback original? Is there no hardback? I want a hardback with that gorgeous cover!

Nancy (AKA Journeywoman)

WOW. Just finally read The Dust of 100 Dogs, and whose interview did I find at the end of the book? YOURS! That is so great! I miss your blog. I miss my blog. Sigh....

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