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30 December 2008


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It is hard to describe well, isn't it? I was totally crying at the end, too.

Kelly Fineman

I've been meaning to pick this up, now that it's available in the States. I so loved Saving Francesca.


I read this arc in June and loved it. I never ended up blogging it, because I wasn't quite sure how to go about describing it. I really feel like I know these kids.

Wendi Gratz

I saw this while I was out spending a holiday gift certificate and I loved Saving Francesca so much I almost bought it on the spot - but I only had enough money for Graceling (and that's what I went in looking for) so I put off Jellicoe Road. Now it's moved up to the top of my list. I'm so glad to hear it's good! Sometimes when I read a really great book I'm almost afraid to try another by that author - for fear of the disappointment.

heather Chapman

Oh, I love this book; it's my favorite out of the three of Marchetta's that I've read.

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