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04 December 2008


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I agree: it was a joy to read. I loved Ruby, and I really loved the atmosphere. Glad you liked it. :)


This sounds like it's the bee's knees.


Gosh, this one was just so good. It is always fantastic when an author doesn't make her historical fiction heroine so plucky you know that she couldn't possibly have existed at that time period (or ever really). I also loved how when Ruby made decisions she owned them - even if she knew she hadn't exactly made the right choices.


Hi there!

My name is Kaylee. I am a college student who is helping to promote the new young adult fantasy book CREN AND THE WAR OF SEVEN DAYS. The author, Tavish Nanda, is only 17 years old!

Would you be willing to do a review?
Feel free to check out the book's website: (http://www.crenandthewarofsevendays.com)
And here's the url for the e-book:

If you would like to do a review, please e-mail me at [email protected] and I’ll send you a copy!

P.S. I hope you're not offended that I'm posting this. From one book lover to another, I very much like your blog and wanted to see if you would be interested. Cheers!


Hi there!

My name is Kaylee. I am a college student who is helping to promote the new young adult fantasy book CREN AND THE WAR OF SEVEN DAYS. The author, Tavish Nanda, is only 17 years old!

Would you be willing to do a review?
Feel free to check out the book's website: (http://www.crenandthewarofsevendays.com)
And here's the url for the e-book:

If you would like to do a review, please e-mail me at [email protected] and I’ll send you a copy!

P.S. I hope you're not offended that I'm posting this. From one book lover to another, I very much like your blog and wanted to see if you would be interested. Cheers!



I didn't mean to post twice.



I didn't mean to post twice.


I just started this one tonight, Leila, and I am loooving it. I totally agree with you - I don't want to leave her world.


I recently finished this book and it was a great read! It was well-written and I found myself thinking of how we end up viewing things so differently depending on our current life situation at a given time.
I recommend this book as well!



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