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14 January 2009


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On the Printz, I agree that Frankie and Paper Towns are obvious picks, and I wouldn't mind seeing them be honored. I'd like to see Madapple take the medal, or at least an honor, as I think it's really just such a multifaceted and powerful novel. I'm wondering whether Tender Morsels will go anywhere. I feel like it's raved about, but only in small circles. I enjoyed Graceling immensely, but I just don't see it winning over the more complex literary contenders out there. Of course, there's always the possibility that the winner comes out of left field entirely.


Yeah, I have a tendency to root for books that have no chance of winning. I could see Madapple making the list, and though I had some issues with it, I did love that it was so different and I thought the writing was gorgeous. I still haven't read Tender Morsels. I need to get on that. And, then again, it would be fun to see John Green pull off a hat trick.


I kind of want to see Terry Pratchett's Nation win the Printz.


I second the motion on Tender Morsels. If any straight fantasy has a chance of taking home the gold, that'll be the one. Can't stop thinking about it.

Wendi Gratz

For the Printz I'm hoping for Frankie. I loved Graceling but I don't think the committe will give it to such a solidly genre book. And I LOVED Tender Morsels, but I know a lot of people who were freaked out about it and thought it should have been an adult title. I think Madapple was interesting - but I didn't feel a real emotional connection to it. I wonder if enough people will feel passionately about it for it to win?


Tender Morsels and Octavian are at the top of my list.

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