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03 February 2009


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Yes! That's what I couldn't put into words! I love her writing style and her story, but I felt the same way with this installment. Now, of course, I can't wait for the next one! (I knew there was a downside to getting an ARC) :-)


I requested the first book in this trilogy from the library last night. I will be interested to see what they are all about! It does look like a good trilogy, though. I don't want to rush and read it because the library doesn't have book three and if I have to buy book three, then I will want to own book one and two... which sort of defeats the purpose of the library!


Oh I want I want I want! So glad to hear that there's another one planned, too!

Mrs. Magoo

I love this cover!


i read this book and i loved!!
i am very excited about the upcoming books in the Wicked Lovely Series ;)


when i read the first book I liked it a bit and bought the other two (unfortunately). I didn't like them. What did I not like?

1) The love between the boys and the girl is too artificial. I didn't feel or believe it.

2) There isn't enough description for characters, places etc. so you can't attach yourself to the story truly. In my opinion a book should make you feel the place and feelings or whatever it tells.

It's a cold story that has lots of holes in it.

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