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08 April 2009


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Humor is the best part of this book, and it was great that Simon got more of the funny lines. I also just reviewed it: http://necromancyneverpays.blogspot.com/2009/04/city-of-glass.html


I'm number 52 on the list for this one. I'm glad you mentioned it because I had forgotten that I read the first two. Not that they weren't good but because I read them back to back and then I had no idea when the last was coming out. I might reread before I get this as it seems like it will be awhile!


You'll be quite happy to hear that, according to her latest LJ post, Cassandra Clare notes that Magnus plays a large part in her prequel series and she has notes for a sequel series focusing on Simon.

I agree with Spoiler Two. I had the same reaction, we didn't have a strong attachment to that character - not at all like Sirius' death or any number in Deathly Hallows - and I suspect that she could not quite bring herself to off someone more prominent.


First - Magnus is awesome. Rainbow leather pants? How awesome is that?
Second - Definitely agree that Simon is MUCH better by the end of the series than at the beginning.

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