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13 May 2009


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Holmes/Cruise divorce rumors! Where's the link?


I doubt very much that any of it is true (sadly), but here's one of the links.


God damn it, and I had finally weaned myself from following that train wreck. When it began, my boyfriend and I spent probably a good three weeks getting up in the morning, jumping on our couch -- or the bed if the other one happened to be still sleeping there -- and yelling, "I'm in loooooooove! THAT's how I feel about it!" It was incentive to be the first one up, so that you weren't woken that way.

Ahem. Overshare.

Arlene Allen

Like no one saw that coming. Something has to be fundamentally wrong with anyone who would dump Nicole Kidman.


I just read about the Jon and Kate possible divorce and yesterday I read about that wierd Katie Jordan person and her husband Peter Andree divorcing - although the British press reported that bookmakers are running odds that the whole break up is staged.

And then there's Elizabeth Edwards telling everyone they are not getting divorced but she could if she wanted.

What the heck is with these people????

Thanks for the GLW link - and for buying some books!

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