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16 June 2009


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Aww. I'd forgotten about this one. Now I'm going to have to go re-read it.

Melissa @ Melissa's Bookshelf

Great review!! I just love Georgette Heyer, and this one definitely has many laugh-out-loud moments. Have you read the Grand Sophy? It's hysterical, too!


Melissa, I have, and your comment spurred me to go back and find the write-up and link to it -- so thanks!


I am FINALLY going to read some Heyer. Fortunately my library has hung onto our beat-up old copies.


I'm a bit bored by all the Hero-and-Sherry bits of this book, but love, love every moment featuring Sherry's friends. The long-running "Nemesis" gag towards the end of the book is one of my favourite literary moments ever.


Oh, this is one of my favorite. I'm glad you liked it.

Aditi Chandna

i have read most of georgette heyer's books and have been trying to find a copy of frtiday's child for ages!!

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