From the Shelf Awareness interview with Tasha Alexander:
Book that changed your life:
Every book leaves a mark on you. But the ones (yes, I'm incapable of picking just one) that brought about the most obvious change in my life are the Amelia Peabody novels by Elizabeth Peters. I'd fallen madly in love with them and was tearing through them one after another. When I ran out and realized I'd have to wait an entire year for the next installment to be published, I was dismayed and wondered if I should try writing something of my own to help the time pass more quickly. Soon thereafter (with another push from Dorothy L. Sayers's Gaudy Night), I started to work on And Only to Deceive.
I am so very cranky today. I very much wish I could be curled up in bed with the second Lady Emily Ashton book.
As I can't be there, I will at least fill out an ILL form requesting said book.
And then I will commence waiting.
I noticed this interview too. It immediately made me feel a connected one-ness with Tasha Alexander as well. Which is odd, seeing as I have never picked up her books.
That will change.
Posted by: Rachel | 26 September 2009 at 10:53 PM
Thanks to you I am now addicted to Tasha Alexander. I thought the second book was way better than the first, even. And Colin does something near the end so swoon-worthy that I actually squeed. You don't know me, but I don't squee easily. Thank you.
Posted by: Diana | 26 September 2009 at 11:01 PM
Now that I've seen pictures of her, Tasha Alexander occupies a pretty secure place on the list of people who inspire jealousy. Come on, don't you want to a) be gorgeous b) write the Emily Ashton books, and c) write a serious historical book that gets made into a Cate Blanchett movie?
Posted by: Sarah Rettger | 27 September 2009 at 11:42 AM
I have yet to get my hands on a copy of the first one, but it sounded excellent! Can't wait to actually read them, especially since I'm now an avid Elizabeth Peters fan.
Posted by: Maureen E | 28 September 2009 at 11:06 PM