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25 November 2009


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Argh. And Stephen King is pulled futher into the vortex of suck he's been swirling in.

Off topic - are you going to review Andromeda Klein? I seem to remember you liked King Dork (same author). It's FABULOUS. Also, Sam Hellerman makes an oh-so-small appearance.


I've totally been looking forward to reading it -- I just need to track down a copy!

Article submission

good job

keep it coming

Impotence causes

I known VMware very well. I suggested so many things which are realized by this company which finally became Thin application development, VMware Infrastructure etc. I understand completely, implementation and commercialization is a big deal in the workplay. However, no idea, no egg which make a chicken. My ROInvention was small. Sad.
So I will not tell the solution to improve the products anymore. Voila.

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