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18 November 2009


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After reading what you wrote about In the Garden of Iden, I went out and read it and am now on the fifth book in the series. Dude, they only get better! Also, I have been talking non-stop about this series, and finally convinced a friend to try it. She ordered the Garden of Iden at her local bookstore, and the cover is atrocious. Like, really, really terrible. I had to do some fast talking to convince her to read it anyways.


This is still my favorite of all the Company books -- I was just thinking of it fondly the other day while watching Looney Tunes. Time for a re-read!


Her fantasy stand alone, Anvil of the World, is amazing too -- rather original for an epic fantasy (hard to do these days) and not book one of the Gazilliad (also hard to do these days). I LOVE her writing style.


I love Kage Baker. All of her stuff is good, it's even worth the time to track down her short stories. I have no idea why she's not more popular. We have all of her books at my library, but that's because I order adult fiction. We have two local chain bookstores in my small town, and neither of them has any Baker books, which continues to puzzle me.


I picked In the Garden of Iden after your recommendation and while I really liked it -- enough to ILL Sky Coyote -- I have to say that as of halfway through, I'm loving Sky Coyote so much more. (I accidentally picked up another one out of order and it didn't sense to the extent that I returned it after 30 pages. So I was skeptical.) I totally think Kage Baker make the right choice in not using a faux-dialect. Can you imagine how awful that would be? At best it would be stilted, and at worst totally horrifying. Instead the language draws the "history repeats itself" parallels for her.

Anyway, thank you! Totally loving it so far, and I would never have picked it up without your recommendation.


Isn't it amazing how different the voices are? It was so surprising, and in such a good way! I'm so glad you're enjoying -- and that you agree about the awesomeness of the dialogue!

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