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14 December 2009


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Oh dear-i got this one in a giveaway a while ago-I didn't know it was that sad. I'd better wait until I have a day with the house all to myself so I can bawl like a baby in peace. :)


I was really glad that I was home alone. REALLY GLAD.


Sigh. Laura Weiss often makes me cry.
As Does Babylon 5, especially the second to last season.

I'm scared of this book.


Hmm. Was this one markedly different from her first two books? Because if it is, I might read. I hated Such a Pretty Girl and Leftovers. Like, HATED.


Tess, I handed this one off to a friend who also hated Wiess' first two books (I haven't read them) -- so I'm waiting to see how she reacts before I pick up the others for myself. I'll keep you posted. I figure if she hates it, maybe she and Wiess just don't jive -- but if she loves it, then... well, we'll see!


i loved this book i know exacly what you mean this book was like a big emotioanl roller coaster ride, and the ending just shook me, infact im about to review it on my blog right now feel free to chek it out :) a amazing bok and a must read!



Ugh, I definitely hated "Leftovers", because of the two WITCHES that the main characters became and how some readers still seemed to like them. I couldn't read "Pretty Girl" because of the incest-rape. But you know what? This book sounds dynamite..

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