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07 December 2009


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That rocks. And that collar IS awesomely massive!!!


Chrissy: I'm pretty sure that's the site I bought the pattern from! There are a bunch of ads in the Dress A Day sidebar -- that's where I first started looking to buy...


Re: the length issue. I always have that problem with patterns...pretty sure they're all made for tall people. I've started shortening the patterns before I even cut the fabric so I don't waste it.


Very fetching.


1) That is adorable.
2) The women on the front of patterns are generally anatomical improbabilities, with legs of exaggerated length.
3) That is REALLY adorable.


Ah cool! I was under the impression you were buying off ebay, but I'm glad you know about that site. I was kind of floored seeing how many folks have vintage patterns for sale for reasonable prices. Keep at it, they look really good!


Despite the fact that you made this from a pattern, yours TOTALLY trumps Simplicity's.

Kelly Fineman

That dress is ADORABLE!!


Clearly you remember Beverly Cleary's mother's instructions to always wear white next to your face when being photographed. (A Girl from Yamhill.)

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