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17 January 2010


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This year's budget did not extend to brown ink. It's a recession, Leila.


Actually I noticed that on the covers of the other books too. Oddly, the black and white drawings inside the books didn't seem to have that problem.


Yeah, I thought I remembered noticing it on the second book -- and so I was especially disappointed to see that they'd done it again this time. But, yeah -- the inside illustrations are fine. So weird.


It is very strange that the inside pictures are correct and the cover isn't. It even prompted a debate about Sticky's ethnicity between me and my husband.

But I don't want to fault the artist because I love her so much.


Yeah, I noticed that too and it really bothered me. And it's not plot twist related. Unless I really missed something.

April (Good Books & Wine)

Thanks for pointing this out. The more awareness raised, the more publishers will take note, or at least that's what I hope.


I just checked out the covers of the first two books, and he's whitewashed there as well. I never noticed because the inside illustrations are right. ARGH!


I remember noticing that on the second book. Very uncool.


Thank you! I noticed this, too, and it bothered me. In general I love the cover illustrations for the books, but I don't know why he looks so different than the illustrations inside.

Me so there

Yeah I just thought "????????????????". Wow. Inside it's fine on chapter illustrations. Soooo what in the world! Oh well. It's the thought that counts.

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