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20 January 2010


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Kathe Douglas

I wrote a letter of outrage, and posted a copy on my blog. This whitewashing really bugs me. Thanks for covering it so thoroughly.


Thanks for posting this. I've e-mailed Bloomsbury and forwarded your post to some colleagues.

Maureen E

Thank you for providing the info! I do hope people don't blame the author though--I agree that she probably has very little say in the cover art and she did write about a person of color. I haven't read the book, but from the quotes at Charlotte's blog, it even sounds like she manages to avoid several pitfalls she could have fallen into. I think I'm rambling now...sorry!


Thank you for sharing the address and a synopsis of what's gone on. I really appreciate it.


After reading your previous post, and the author's posts about this issue, I have to say I don't think the cover is that problematic. My husband is Persian, and the girl on the cover looks a lot like his cousin. I definitely thought she was eastern European or middle eastern at first glance, and her coloring would still be considered "dark and foreign" to a country of pale, blonde people. I understand why people are concerned, and I agree that the Liar cover was horrible, but this doesn't seem to be the same situation to me.

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