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07 January 2010


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OMG the note to Maureen is the best thing ever.


I still want Molly Weasley to be my mom. I told my own mom and explained that this desire no way reflected on her or how I felt about having her as a mom and she admitted that she kind of wanted Mrs. Weasley to be HER mom too.


Oh, I've been waiting to read this book for forever, and now I REALLY can't wait. Thanks for the review.



It sounds just as good as I knew it would be. And you are not alone in your Spencerlove. Hehe. Can't wait to get my hands on this one.

Brooke Shirts

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who'd like to live with the Martins for a while (hey, I could cook them some decent food, right?). Thanks for the tip -- can't wait for it to come out!

Kelly Fineman

That note to Maureen is brilliant. My M can't wait for this book to come out - it's on her "Top 10 for '10" list of books she's most anxious for.


Fun, fun review--I look forward to reading this one. I very much enjoyed Suite Scarlett. It kinda made me want to live in NYC, too--which I'm sure I could not handle weather-wise!!

Emily Wing Smith

Thanks for the review--can't WAIT to read this one.


seriously in love with Spencer too and I'm a 30 something librarian in a midwestern college town who'd LOVE to live in NYC in the Martin hotel for a few months. It was the most cliffhanging ending I'd ever read. Hopefully Johnson doesn't make us wait too long for the next Scarlet installment.

Melissa (Book Nut)

Yep: in love with Spencer, Team Max, and the GAAAA! ending. Hit it right on the nose there Leila. :-)


I have just finished the book and I AM LOOKING FOR ANSWERS!!!!! (Warning: Spoiler alert) Who did Scarlett choose, whats up with Lola, and when is the next book coming out? If this is it, then i will probably need some therapy, because she cant give Scarlett fans that much of a cliff-hanger and expect them to be fine with it. Ill be faithfully waiting for the next book and heating up the oven to stick my head in until that book arrives!!! How do you like them apples Ms. Johnson? (Just an fyi, that was completely sarcastic)

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