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28 January 2010


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Love it! And I love Ellen Potter--she should so be top of the NYT list every day.


Mainly I'm scared that the Boy Who Doth Not Smile is making a cat wave, and there's an urchin in the tree. A colorless urchin. And possibly ravens.

Dying to read this. Wow.


Love this cover! ANd I think you're right, many readers will pick this one up based on the cover alone.


Why do I keep missing Ellen Potter? I *mean* to read her books, but I always seem to forget.

I have a feeling, though, that if I see this one, I *can't* forget to buy it!

Christy (A Good Stopping Point)

Awesome cover. I have never heard of this author before.

Miss Erin

Me, looking at this cover: Oh. My word. Oh. My word. OH MY WORD.

Ellen Potter

I'm blushing. Thank you! And holy moly, that cover, huh? I nearly fainted when Jean Feiwel sent it to me, it's so dead gorgeous.


Oh for Pete's sake! September?


Ooo. The pretty. Want.

Ahem. Now that verbal skills (with an s!) have returned, those kids look awesome and I can't wait for wider recognition of Ellen Potter's fantasticalness.

Hmm. Looks like not all the verbal skills have returned.

Maureen E

I totally missed the boy in the tree the first time I glanced at this and had to take another look. Really stunning!

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