« The Big Read V: The Woman in White -- Wilkie Collins The Story Continued by Marian Halcombe | Main | I'm curious to see what Josh's reaction will be: »

14 January 2010


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Sarah I.

Marian's reaction to Count Fosco is definitely interesting. Everything about Count Fosco is interesting! In contrast, everything about Sir Percival is annoying beyond belief. He's so petulant - he'd be better at being a bad guy if he could keep it together. He's too transparent. Count Fosco is great because I really don't have any idea what he's up to...!

Anyways, here's another post, finally...: http://tuulenhaiven.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/the-big-read-v-the-woman-in-white-installments-2-4/


"I keep picturing him as a super-sized evil version of Hercule Poirot, minus the moustaches, plus some mice." AWESOME. :-)

Ms Avery

You know, I realised just yesterday that I was picturing him as Poirot too -- specifically the David Suchet version. Weird.


Eeep you have guessed something good and that I never saw coming.

Jes at YI

Let's just say I was way too distracted by Marian's almost-wish to have the housemaid shot instead of the dog.
I could not stop laughing.

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