« The Big Read V: The Woman in White -- Wilkie Collins The Third Epoch: The Story Continued by Walter Hartright, Chapters I-VI | Main | Every once in a while... »

24 January 2010


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Are you going to read them in order? See the ups and downs in her relationships with her friends? According to the history of Nancy Drew that I read, any continuity is coincidental :-).


awesome! glad you are joining us! i'm up to book 5, and am having a blast reminiscing.

Jen Robinson

Wow, Leila. Just ... wow! Enjoy.


Ooh, exciting.
Where I went to college, there was a professor named Dr. Nancy Drew. It was pretty awesome but sad b/c she always had to replace the nameplate outsider her office.


Jen: Well, let's keep in mind how the V.C. Andrews challenge went -- I LITERALLY read one book. And I only needed to read four!

Liz: I'm sad to say, I might have had to steal one. It's just too cool a name -- and actually, I'm pretty sure that there's a lady in our town who has it... (Oddly -- we also, I think, have an Anne Frank.)


goodness... it just hit me that i read every single one of those titles when i was 11,12,13. and still own them. that's a lot of nancy. but how else was i going to someday laugh with Lynne Rae Perkins?


Yes! Love your Nancy Drew reviews. I'm excited.


As always, I am in awe of your awesomeness. Can't wait to read these reviews!


I wanted to do this so much! But, obviously, can't find all the books in the UK. *sigh*
HAVE FUN. And ditto what Collen says!


Yay! I first discovered your blog because of a link to your Nancy Drew reviews. Those books will always hold a special place in my heart. I remember that any time I went to a library or bookstore as a kid, I'd head straight for the Nancy Drew shelf, looking to see if there was a mystery I hadn't read yet.

Pat McCaffrey

I am so looking forward to your reviews! The first "big girl" book that I read was a Nancy Drew title and I still remember how enthralled I was by the story.


I am so in!!

Miss Pippi

What a neat challenge! Thanks for sharing. Happy reading!

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