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25 March 2010


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My two sisters and I had a tape of children's songs - some woman and a children's choir burbling their way through various things, I think - and it caused all three of us to mis-hear the submarine in 'Yellow Submarine' as 'sumberine'. Not a huge thing, but I still struggle with the pronunciation twenty-something years later. (I also knew how to spell it but figured it was one of those strange things in English - we were learning about knee and lamb and such at the time and I thought it was just another one.)


Those are THE BEST.

See, I find songs like this pretty much once a month. And I'm like, "What? It doesn't say "Feed your head?" at the end of Go Ask Alice?

And then I wonder if I spent most of my life with an ear infection or something.


Wait, doesn't it? You're talking about White Rabbit, yes? I think that's totally what they say.

But, yeah. My mom's known for coming up with particularly amazing ones -- like when she thought that the band Porno For Pyros was called (ahem) "Corn on the Cob Roast".

And it looks like I'm headed right down the same path. But it sounds like I'll have plenty of good company, so there's that!


That's too funny. There are moments when I say things and I'm like, "oh my gosh, I am my mother!" LOL.

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