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25 March 2010


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You can't text??? Really???

It's not an age thing, it's a culture thing. For some reason the US discovered texting after the rest of the world had been doing it like mad for at least 10 years. I'm sure you'll pick it up.

Even my mum can text, and she's 69. She's also European and has been practicing it for a while as her kids keep texting her and shaming her into responding in the same way.

I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time, you are after all quite capable of managing a great blog (the 33 years of mishearing Penny Lane as Elaine does cast a shadow of doubt - but I'm going for the positive angle here).

Isn't it fun to learn something new?


Oh, I'm capable of texting. I was just thrown by his texting me WHILE I was leaving him a voicemail and I just... PANICKED. Which resulted in a completely ridiculous message. He'd better have erased it.


Sweetie, are we becoming worried about the birthday coming soon? Do I need to send you flowers to disabuse you of this notion that you're old? Because remember: I'm older than YOU! By a little bit. At least. Okay??? So, stop already.

I can only take another text whilst texting because my phone gives me a SINGLE option of "DRAFT?" and if I don't say yes fast enough, just gives me the new text anyway. And each time it happens, I squeal and thumb keys frantically. It's not age -- it's just that technology changes pointlessly quickly.


I'm not really concerned about my birthday. It's more that Every Single Day, I gain more evidence that I am turning into my parents.


Yes, the growing into our parents happens to most of us. I hope you like them as well as love them.

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