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05 April 2010


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Sarah Durling

::flail:: Me either!


DUDE: The Shrinking Violets have a Raybourn interview and are giving away a copy of her book. I entered to win one for you, CAUSE THAT'S THE KIND OF FRIEND I AM.

Of course, I may read it first, and bend down all the pages before I give it to you, but... you know how it is.

Maureen E


I like Raybourn's books, but...*meep*


Sarah: Yes to the flailing!

Tanita: You are my hero. Dog-ear away!

Maureen: Holy cow, you're totally right! I was so excited that I didn't even notice. Ha!


Ha! I've been so busy admiring it I didn't even notice the Twilight parallel at all. Crazy.

It's still pretty, tho. And I'll still be devouring it ASAP.


I was so excited the cover didn't show a heaving bosom, I didn't even notice the Twilight similarities.


Okay, I'm going to admit something embarrassing: I liked the heaving bosom cover. But mostly just because I thought it was awesomely and hilariously ridiculous.

Kate F.

Twilight was the first thing I thought of, too. And the second thing was "Tasha Alexander sends her heroine to Constantinople in book four; Deanna Wraybourn sends hers to India?" Love both series, but I kind of pity these two authors, who apparently have an unfortunate mind meld.


I REALLY hope the ARC Fairy drops this one on my desk.


I am glad I'm not the only one who got a Twilight vibe from the cover.


I just recently came across your blog and I'm so thrilled to discover someone who is as gaga over the Lady Julia Grey series as I am. According to her editor it is the best one yet! And I agree with all the others who dislike the Twilight vibe of the cover. Too funny.

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