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22 June 2010


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Wow, wow, wow! It is GORGEOUS!!!


OMG!!! You did all this "in the last couple of weeks"? It's beautiful!!!!


Oh. My. GOODNESS. You are THE QUEEN of textile arts.

I kind of hate you now. I can quilt, but it looks like an 8th grader did it for, um, practice for a 4H project. As in, sure, little blocks of fabric all stitched together -- whoops, that one doesn't go, oh well, use a glue gun and puff paint and make it look deliberate

But it's beautiful, truly. And The Happy Couple have months before they need to sleep under it, so rock on with your late self!

:sigh: I wish you were coming to the ALA thing...


Oh my goodness, that's beautiful! Great job!


looks great!!! I am itching to make another quilt myself. (did I show you the one I made for Z? though I think we are going to hang it up until I make another one, the stairway needed a quilt hanging) I learned a fun trick that I'm going to try next time - making one wall in my 'craft' room (its the office too, but whatever) a wall of felt. That way I can hang everything in process and have it be out of the way (i.e. not on a table, that we usually eat on) Are you going to hand-quilt it also? (that part always takes me longer!) or tie it?

how are they pinned together (the strips?) why can I see through it?


Oooh! How beautiful! What a terrific gift!


Lovely quilt! As for the Kathy Reichs's YA...that I have to read.


Oh my, but that is beautiful! And what an extremely thoughtful gift! Glad you are back though.


Oh my word - that is gorgeous! I would like to commission one in blue please? Who knew you had so many talents? (Maybe I haven't been reading long enough?)


Wow, beautiful quilt! I've never seen that pattern before. I hope you'll show it to us again when it's all the way finished :)


I've had that pattern on my mental to-make list for years! Beautiful.

Scott Phillips

You have been busy: gorgeous quilt.
As to Reich's book: I too am leery of 'adult' authors dipping their toe in the YA pool. I mean, hey, John Grisham doesn't make enough with his adult stuff?

Maureen E

Leila, that is gorgeous! I've been working on a nine-patch quilt for a few years now and I'm so impressed by people that can sew triangles!


Oh that's awesome, they are lucky people to get it.


Coming out of lurkdom to say that the quilt is absolutely beautiful. And that Kathy Reichs's book does seem a bit conveniently marketable.


The word 'awesome' is so...paltry. That's amazing.

Loretta Ross

That quilt is absolutely exquisite! Makes me want to start quilting again. Sigh.


Just like everyone else I am completely blown away!! That is so beautiful on every single level. You rock, Leila!!!


That is a gorgeous quilt! I love your fabric selection.

In the month or so before I got married, I made a queen-size quilt for my husband-to-be as a wedding present. I'd never quilted before and I had a lot of help from my aunt and my mom (especially at the end when my mom and I had a weekend quilting session to finish off the hand quilting) but it was a lot of fun and it feels so good to see that quilt on our bed now. Now that I've been through that, I'm even more impressed when I see quilts people have made where everything lines up the way it's supposed to!


I usually just stop by to read about YA Lit and I don't think I've ever commented--but I had to chime in. This quilt is beautiful!! What a nice gift!

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