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29 July 2010


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I remember when the first one showed up at the Monkey. You're not the only non-fan.


I had to struggle to finish the first one and haven't taken a look at the second. For me, Artemis wasn't interesting enough to really care about.

Lindsey Carmichael

I agree. Catherine Jinks' Evil Genius was way more fun than Artemis.


I enjoyed the first 3 (very Bond-like and full of adventure), which is all there was originally supposed to be. When 4 came out, I was pretty angry because there was no way he should have been able to continue it (sorta). So I stopped reading them.

I'm so glad to see it end though. It didn't need to go on so long...


I read the first one and it was sort of OK. My daughter likes them. I'm not a fan.


I only read the first one and felt pretty "meh" about it.


I only read one Artemis Fowl book. I would go so far as to call myself an "Artemis Fowl active disliker."


Couldn't get through the first one or the graphic novel version. Not a fan.

Gail Gauthier

I definitely enjoyed the early books, but I think it's a series that went on too long.

The Nerd

The boy genius Artemis Fowl can’t be nasty anymore, is a hilarious thought, kudos to Eoin Colfer for this


Not a fan of Artemis either, but I ADORED Airman.

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