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02 July 2010


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I should not be reading this, 1 because I am procrastinating and 2, writing a review of Cardturner now. I liked Alton, and thought The Cardturner was fun and entertaining. Though I am still wondering why Alton's younger sister Leslie didn't get to meet her great uncle.

And now that you mention it the cover doesn't make any sense.


Check out this other cover, found it searching for other reviews to link to http://booksloveme.blogspot.com/2010/07/friday-finds-cardturner.html


When I was in high school, there was a club called "Bridge and Bowl" which all the cool kids who would become hipsters were in. They'd play bridge and then go bowling (because in Wisconsin, that's totally normal?) I wasn't cool enough to join. I've been mildly obsessed with the concept of bridge ever since (not that I've ever learned how to play or anything.)

My hold on this book just came in yesterday. I can't wait to start it.

PS--Unrelated. Did you see that the new Alice book's very special issue is Neo-Nazis? I CAN'T WAIT!


this is the best book I've ever read in a long long time. I cant wait to finished it coz its very simple yet endearing. This book should be an example to all the young adult writers.

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