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27 July 2010


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I was able to pick up a copy at The Strand the other day. I thought it was fun, although your right, a bit Twilightish about love, but what I really want more than anything is another Kiki Strike book. If I ever won the lottery I would send half a dozen copies of both books to every elementary school and public library in the country. The YA world needs less books about true love and more books about girls kicking ass.


I'd like more Kiki as well -- and I was concerned that my wanting more Kiki was affecting my opinion of the book. But the more I think about it, the more comfortable I am with what I wrote about it -- The Eternal Ones was an okay read, but not one that I was doing cartwheels about.

Nike Shox Turbo

Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. (John Kennedy, American president)

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