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10 August 2010


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I hate to say it, but I'm just not all that surprised by this. I haven't been fond of Francine Prose's YA books, either. Hard to put my finger on, but I'll be interested to hear the verdict on this one.

By the way--Girls of Canby Hall, over there on the right--are those the books about Faith and Dana, or am I confusing it with another series?


I think it must be: See Wikipedia.

But, to be completely honest, I picked it solely for the cover and title.

Monica Edinger

It does not get better. My take: http://medinger.wordpress.com/2010/06/14/john-grishams-theodore-boone-kid-lawyer/) Vicky Smith of Kirkus also had "issues": http://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/childrens-books/john-grisham/theodore-boone-kid-lawyer/


Oh, man, I'm looking forward to reading those reviews! But I'm going to be good and wait so that they don't affect my opinion.

Wendi Gratz

I can't believe you're reading it. I couldn't get past the godawful title.


I want to punch the title in the face.


I hope you persevere so that we get to read those dogeared snippets with your hysterical commentary. Take one for the team!


Oh fine. You write this semi-review the day AFTER I buy the thing. Thanks a lot then. (mope)

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