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13 August 2010


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You are so cute, I cannot stand it.

I really hope you get picked. Because, seriously -- there's nothing like tossing eggs. And how can you accuse yourself of making worse faces than me? I wouldn't even look at the camera, and I kept waving my arms like they were seal flippers. Yikes.

I reallllly hope you get picked. Mainly because then it'll seem like ALL of us are living in the library. Except Josh.

Poor Josh. He might not like this...


Good luck!!


Oog. Thanks, guys.


They have to pick you! This is a matter of your soul!!! ;) Seriously, that video was awesome and I've got my fingers crossed for ya.


That was cute!

Fuse #8

Ack! Can't believe I missed that you posted this. Oh you are SO heading up my Video Sunday, you are.

I think you do stand out too. The dudes I know were all about being slick. You're about being honest and awesome. Courtney put it best though. This is a soul matter.


Thanks, Betsy -- that (and what Courtney said) made me feel a lot better.

I've only watched a couple of the other videos, and I just kept thinking, "YOW! Those are so glossy and awesome and professional and... oh, I am sadface and lame." BUT! I just keep telling myself at least I applied, which for me, is something.

And I figured out how to make and edit an ultra low-tech video all by myself. Which is also something.

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